General Handyman Service

Why wait to hang that artwork, set up those curtains, or install the new hardware you’ve bought? With OURI, you can have it done today! We offer prompt, affordable services throughout the GTA. Just select the number of curtains or any other add-ons you need assistance with, and we’ll handle the rest.

Included in Our Service:
Expertise & Equipment: The OURI team arrives with all the necessary tools to complete the task.
7-Day Warranty: If issues arise within a week of our service, provide photo or video proof. Should a subsequent OURI team visit find the issue unrelated to the initial service, additional charges may apply. Refunds, if approved, will not exceed the initial service cost.

What’s Not Part of the Deal?
Materials & Parts: Ensure you have all necessary parts on hand before our team’s arrival. If we need to fetch or wait for materials, additional hourly charges will be billed, plus the cost of the purchased items.
Safety & Compliance: OURI doesn’t undertake tasks deemed unsafe, illegal, or in violation of local codes. Additionally, HVAC or intricate electrical services are outside our purview.

OURI’s Commitment:
Expect efficiency and dedication. Our team will diligently complete the tasks within the time package you select.

Your Role:
Please cover any additional materials or parking costs incurred during the job.

Curtain Installation


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